The all new, all singing, all dancing web site and blog for the Hegarty Webber Partnership can now be found at:


See you there!

We would like to thank all those who have supported our blog over the last year or so.

So much so, in fact, that we are ceasing to post!

But only for about a week.

After which, thanks to Clive, Monsieur le webconcepteur, we will transform from a caterpillar into a sparkling butterfly.

Yesterday, as I walked out into the garden on a glowingly golden afternoon, I thought of the Parable of the Sower.

No, I’m not going to get all religious on you. My family always laughs when I quote the bible, because I am, as Lady Bracknell would say, ‘ quite irreligious’!

But when, as a child, I sat rather unwillingly in church listening to the vicar, I used to look at a large painting pointedly placed just beside the pulpit.

It was a copy of a painting by someone like Holman Hunt or his ilk. You know the kind of thing? An extremely realistic, but idealised and  sentimental painting. A Victorian ideal of an anglicised middle eastern farm worker, flinging seed around. Some fell on stoney ground, some amongst brambles and so on. You get the message.


With work on our design for the hospice garden in Weston super Mare now in full spate, sensory plants are very much on our minds.

Since, at the request of many of the staff there, they are a key element in the new garden.

Of course the planting plans were completed months ago.

But the thing lives in your consciousness.

So it was that when I was gardening beneath the trachycarpus the other day I was especially aware of its sensory nature.

And it does the lot!


In a sunken recess

beside a formal stretch of grass

which was once a tennis court

languish these three treasures from the past.

I do wonder when they last moved:  (more…)